Words of Wisdom April 4 to 8


Select one of the quotes below, restate the quote, and add your own thoughts in at least 4 sentences.


A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)

Tuesday: “A smile cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen.”  (Anonymous)


“Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push.” (Richard M. DeVos)


“Smile at each other . . .  it doesn’t matter who it is – and that will help you grow up in the greater love for each other.”  (Mother Teresa)


“Everyone smiles in the same language.” (American Proverb)

74 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom April 4 to 8

  1. Wednesday:

    “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push.” (Richard M. DeVos)

    I Think positive words will brings someone up like how they look it just pushed them up. If someone says something bad they wanna just give up for the day. People should start to pass around positive words.

  2. jessicaleo

    I am responding to mondays words of wisdom,”A smile costs nothing, but gives much”. This words of wisdom is fully true you may walk around smiling and bring up someones mood. Or change somones perspective about you. So like the words of wisdom you should always smile ar laugh know and then it may not cost anything but it gives much.

  3. prestonch

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)

    I like this quote because it teaches me to smile to others because it can brighten there day. Today I will smile at someone to brighten there day. Maybe it will make them have a good day. Maybe even a great day

  4. mariahel

    I am going to be talking about the quote for tuesday. Tuesdays quoote is “A smile cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen.” So lets talk about this if you give someone a smile no one can tell them o she doesnt like you because you know she does by the ways she smiles at you. If she smiled at you with a mean look then you would know that she didnt like you but since she smiled nicely at you you already know she likes you so dont let anybody steal that smile from you.

  5. Colin

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much”. This is not a ttrue quote. I can buy Smiles by giving people money. I like money to. It makes me happy so i can buy a smile

  6. tylergo

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous) I agree with this post because smmiles are free. And I like this post because it is true. I also like this post because if you smile at somebody that you dont know it could make sombodys day.

  7. nickga

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much”
    That is true, smiles are free. You cant buy a smile. Sometimes a smile will just make someones day that much better.

  8. colede

    I am responding to Mondays WoW0. I think this quote means that a smile is free and gives someone joy or happiness. I know if I am having a bad day and someone gives me a smile that my day usually improves because I am happier. I have been told by other people that this happens to them to.

  9. bobbyho

    Mondays Words of Wisdom are so true. I agree a smile costs nothing, and that it gives much. I beleive that smiles are free because I don’t pay people to smile. I also beleive that they give much because when I see someone smile I smile to. Thats why i beleive mondays WoW is true.

  10. jaclynki

    I am commenting on Friday’s Words of Wisdom about how everyone smiles in the same language. Even if you don’t speak the same language as someone you can understand when someone smiles. If you see someone smile you know they are happy. If you ever see someone who speaks a different language if they smile you can understand it.

  11. devindi

    I’m responding to Monday’s words of wisdom because smiling is a good thing. Also it makes the world a better place and it makes friends. So that was my comment on monday’s words of wisdom.

  12. kyleco

    I’m responding to the Mondays words of wisdom. You might not know this but makng a small nice gesture can make someones day. If you make someones day they might make someone elses day. Even a small gesture as simple and easy as a smile can make someones day.

  13. jakeser

    Smile at each other . . . it doesn’t matter who it

    is – and that will help you grow up in the greater love for each other.” (Mother

    Teresa)You should always smile at eachother because you can make them smile
    back. It doesnt matter who you smile at because you are just being kind.If you
    do that then you will make a lot more friends. So just smile at people wants in a


  14. davidcab


    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)

    I thinck that this is very true. especially to the peple that you dont normally talk to and wish you can talk to them.so LIKE this comment for sure

  15. coltonpa

    Response to Mondays
    I said this before, more smiles make this world a better place. This world is in a terrible state of place right now. This world needs more happiness, more smiles.Remember we have a long way to go.

  16. quentinab

    I am reasponding to Mondays W.O.W. This is 100% true. 1 smile can change a persons day. That is what I think.

  17. Michael Plasch

    I am responding to mondays words of wisdom,”A smile costs nothing, but gives much”. This words of wisdom is fully true you may walk around smiling and bring up someones mood. Or change somones perspective about you. So like the words of wisdom you should always smile ar laugh know and then it may not cost anything but it gives much.

  18. joaquingu

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much”
    You cant buy a smile. Also it makes the world a better place

  19. raymondbe

    “A smile cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen.”  you can not buy a smile. A smile is something that gives much and can not be bought or borrowed, nor stolen because they smile because they want to. They smile because its kind to smile or fun to smile.

  20. alyssaol

    I choose the words of wisdom for Monday because it is totally true. I always give smiles to people who are my friends or maybe there not my friends. A smile can go a long way for some people. I know that a smiles would make my day.

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much”

  21. zachst

    “A smile cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen.” I think t6his is very true. I think everybody should honor this and respect this in every way. Some people think that someone can take your smile but you decide when and when not to have a smile.

  22. dillonwi

    “Everyone smiles in the same language.”
    this is without a doubt true. A smile is a smile. You can speak any language. You can smile at anyone.

  23. tylerrei

    “Smile at each other . . . it doesn’t matter who it is – and that will help you grow up in the greater love for each other.” keep Smiling.

  24. annikaes

    I chose the Words Of Wisdom from Friday. It say, “Everybody smiles in the same language.” I believe this Words Of Wisdom because everybody smiles the same, even if they speak a different language. There are few things that people who live in different places do the same, but smiling isn’t one of them. 🙂

  25. robertlop

    “Everyone smiles in the same language.”
    Everyone smiles in the same language because they don’t speak Spanish or Chinese they just smile. You can smile at someone or something and you don’t speak a language. Everyone uses the same language when they smile all you have to do is turn the frown upside down and you have a smile.

  26. daltonme

    “A smile cost nothing, but gives much.” I think thats true because you don’t have to like someone to give them a smile. You should always give smiles because they can go a long way and can make a persons day. So you should always give someone a smile.

  27. brandonon

    I agree with Teusday, A smile cant be bought, but you can buy things to make you happy. You cant borrow a smile. You cant steal a smile… A smile comes with hapiness

  28. tylerbost

    “Everyone smiles in the same language.” (American Proverb)

    no matter what language you are every one will smile. even iF you are diffrent then anyone else you still will smile. every one smile no matter who you are.

  29. kristinko

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” This means that you dont have to pay to smile. Also that smileing can brighten someones day up. Smileing is awesome.

  30. logan westfall

    “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push.” (Richard M. DeVos)

    I think this quote is very true. If someone has positivity then they are more likely to do something they want. They might also give other people a positive attitude and spread positivity a long ways.

  31. rjpr

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much.” (Anonymous)
    This quote means to me that it is easy to smile and it makes peoples day. It makes peoples days because if they are in a bad mood and you smile or say something nice to them it can change their whole day. And it is the other way around too. If you are in a bad mood and someone smiles or says something to you it can change your day.

  32. michaelfaems


    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)

    A smile gives a lot. It can bring joy to someone else. They can lighten the mood of almost any situation. It also tells others your it a good mood that day or that you are having fun.

  33. jakear

    “A smile cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen.” You cant borrow a smile. You also cant buy a smile. You can smile for free when ever you want.

  34. jaredcao

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)

    This quote “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” means to me that if you smile at anybody it can change their day. A smile cost nothing because it is an expression and no one can take it from you. To add on a smile can not be bought. Also this quote means to always stay positive and keep a smile on your face.

  35. colejo


    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)

    1.smiles can brighten peoples day
    2.a smile means a postive attuide to You and others
    3.when someones down sometimes a smile is all they need

  36. kyletr

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)
    This quote means that little things that you can do for someone can mean a lot to them. If someone is having a bad day flash them a smile and im sure that will cheer them up. So always keep a smile on your face 🙂

  37. dariussc

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much”. People with no friends will appreciate if you smile at them. It makes them feel good about themselves. It can change there day.

  38. brycepr

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)

    Tuesday: “A smile cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen but they be complemented or make someones day by complementing theres

  39. keonipa

    “A smile cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen.” (Anonymous)
    To me this means that your smile cannot be taken in any way. Even when someone bums your mood they cant take away your smile. To me a smile can’t be taken even in a bad situation. A smile can mean a lot of things but it cannot be stolen.

  40. shanego

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much” (Anonymous)

    I think that this means that a smile can mean alot to someone. It also doesnt hurt you to give someone a smile. If everyone gave people smiles, the world would be a better place

  41. nd400064

    “Smile at each other . . . it doesn’t matter who it is – and that will help you grow up in the greater love for each other.” What I think this means is if you smile at someone and you may think it means nothing it might mean to them that you care. Also it can bright up your day like as they say smile is the best medicine and people really get in a better mood if they laugh.

  42. shelbywa

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much”
    I think that when you smile at someone, it may not cost any money, but it will make their day.

  43. stevensh

    “Everyone smiles in the same language.” Smiling is what everyone wants to notice in their day. It makes your lo0ve grow with your brother’s in society. It creates peace no matter who you are. when you smile no one can bother you.

  44. tm1002391

    “A smile cost nothing, but gives much”. When you smile at at somone who is happy they usually just smile back and ignore you. But when they are sad they smile back and they get happier

  45. oc1002884

    ” A smile costs nothing, but gives much”. I think it means that when you smile at someone , it means alot to them . Also it makes the other person feel good .

  46. an400395

    “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push.”
    Few Things – okay, not very many things.
    In the world – where I live.
    Are more powerful – Better ranked in power.
    Than a positive push – than a nice way of encouragement.
    I will be more kind to people who need a “positive Push.”

  47. devyn bennett

    “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push.” I like this because it is positive. This is a smart choice for me. Because each and every day i need a push

  48. bb1000063

    “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push.”
    I think that statment is true. Not a lot of thing can help at times. But a positive attitude can always help. I always help my friends.

  49. justinki

    “A smile costs nothing, but gives much.” (Anonymous)
    This quote means to me that it is easy to smile and it makes peoples day. It makes peoples days because if they are in a bad mood and you smile or say something nice to them it can change their whole day. And it is the other way around too. If you are in a bad mood and someone smiles or says something to you it can change your day.

  50. uniquemo

    A smile cost nothing, but gives much”. When you smile at at somone who is happy they usually just smile back and ignore you. But when they are sad they smile back and they get happier

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