Words of Wisdom April 26 to 29


Select a quote from one day this week,  refer to the quote, and then add at least 3 well written sentences with your personal thoughts and examples of that quote.


“He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.” (Anonymous)


“He learns that the quickest way to become unpopular is to carry a tale and gossip about others.” (Anonymous)


Thought for the Day:  “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”  (Aristotle)


“By practicing a reverence for life, we become good, deep and alive.” (Albert Schweitzer)

66 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom April 26 to 29

  1. ej0055

    In everythink that is marvelous there is a bad thing as well. Everything in life theres a good thing and a bad thing so life.So life just cant be good are just bad it has to be both. `

  2. shelbywa

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.” (Anonymous)

    To me this means that when you lose your temper you don’t have the chance of winning. When people don’t lose their temper, they have a better chance of winning. If you try your best you can suceed.

  3. dc206339

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.”
    – Somebody who loses there temper very easily will always and on a negative note. People who stay positive obviously are going to end things on a positive note. So always stay positive and not negative.

  4. oc1002884

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.”
    I think it means that when someone loses his or hers temper over something really stupid like a game that you dont win anything , it means that the person needs to relax and relize that its just a game and all you have to do is have fun. Also if someone loses there temper over what someone said or did and they reacted really bad and hit the other person or something then the person has anger mangagement issues . Or the other person could just tell an adult .

  5. Gunnar

    “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous”, is the one I’m responding to. No matter what you look like there is always something good about you. So never judge someone by how they look because there is always something good about them.

  6. cl1002777

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.” It means no one will like you if you be a poor sport. No one will also play any sport with you.

  7. spenceror

    “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” I like that because it is true. I think everything in nature is marvelous. Everything in nature has a purpose.

  8. annikaes

    I choose the Words Of Wisdom from Tuesday. It says, “ He who learns that he who loses him temper usually loses.” I agree with this quote because I believe it is true. Nobody wants to be around a person who gets mad all the time. Also if you were in a race or composition and you lost your temper, then would might also lose precious seconds.

  9. marissa apel

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.” (Anonymous)

    I think these words of wisdom mean that if you lose your temper you never win. Like people who usually get mad don’t get what they want in the end.

  10. ea0068

    I believe that “He learns that the quickest way to become unpopular is to carry a tale and gossip about others.” (Anonymous) I beleive that gossiping makes you look bad and people may look at you like a lier. I think you should be the good person and not gossip.

  11. michaelfaems

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.” (Anonymous)

    This statement is true in many ways. Almost every time I lose my temper and I nd up not getting nothing or getting hit or injuried. So always kep your temper and bad thing won’t hapeen most of the time.

  12. mackaywa

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.” If you be nicer to others you will get better in life.If you dont loose your temper its easer in life.

  13. hailyso

    He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses
    I’m not good at learning but right now I’m trying my hardest to do my best. I normally loose my temper a lot but I try my hardest to no. Ya but I dont know who he is so ya

  14. Anonymous

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.” I think this means that the person who has the most misconduct or the worst temper loses at anything.A bad attitude ruins everything.That is what I think about this topic .

  15. jg

    “He learns that he who loses his temper usually loses.” It means that if you lose your temper no one will like you. If you don’t lose your temper they will play with you.

  16. angelo

    “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous”, is the one I’m responding to. No matter what you look like there is always something good about you. So never judge someone by how they look because there is always something good about them.

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