TEAM Journal May 6


Respond to the following journal prompt with at least 3 well written sentences.


Compare and contrast the things you have in common with other human beings and the things that make you absolutely unique.  Why do you think diversity has helped make our country (or school) great?

6 thoughts on “TEAM Journal May 6

  1. austinpr

    Some things that I have the same with other humans is that were human. This generation kinda dresses a like. Somthing that makes me unique from other people is that im beast at xbox. Diversity has helped made our country diffrent cause arev diffrent and its good to be diffrent.

  2. nikocor

    The things I have in common with some people is that I play xbox 360 like my friends and something that makes me unique is thstd I am good a skateboarding:)Diversity has helped make our country and school great by making people different and its good to be different.

  3. bb1000063

    I think there is many differences between people. Like people may make different choises wrather good or bad. I think this can make a huge difference between people. Also people can look different and can be more popular.

  4. Carson

    We both have eyes, but I am more athletic than some. It makes things more intersting when people are different then having people do the same thing over and over again.

  5. harleekr

    I know a lot of people like to sing, I love singing!!!I have a voice that no one can duplicate my voice so I am unique!Great! I think that our school has a lot of hatred. its really sad

  6. monica

    I think that everybody is different and they are special in there own way. I think that have a diversity of people is great for everybody to get along.

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