Getting A New Pet? WP11


Now I know that many of you people out there own a pet, and many of you do not. This post will be for the people who do not have a pet, but are thinking about getting one. I hope you can get some sort of assistance for your decisions in your great journey to obtain a pet.

Step #1 – What Type of Pet You Should Get

 So, if you’re thinking about getting a pet, you should obviously think about what type of animal you are going to keep as a pet. Dogs are great fun and energetic, but you must take care of them a lot more compared to other pets. Cats are more independent than other animals, and will most likely be able to take care of themselves while you are away. Rodents (For example a hamster) don’t really need much care, you just have to keep them updated with their cage and toys. Birds, well… I don’t know much about them… So you have to figure out the pros and cons with the type of animal you’re thinking of getting. If you’re an energetic person who has quite a bit of time, then I’d recommend a dog. If you aren’t very energetic and simply like staying in the house with you pets, then I’d recommend a cat. If you don’t have much time for your pet, I’d recommend a hamster or fish. Although these recommendations may help, the pet you’re picking out may be WAY different than the short descriptions I had made.

Step #2 – Supplies to Purchase

 If you’re thinking of buying a certain pet, you must plan for what you need for them, making you spend a lot more money for the supplies. Now for this post, I’ll be doing the supplies for dogs as I own one myself. You should always buy your supplies before your pet comes home. The most vital things I’d recommend are

  1. Food (The type of food may vary depending on what type of dog you get)
  2. Dishes (One dish for food and the other dish for water)
  3. Doggy Pee Pads (It will greatly help you potty-train your new pet)
  4. Treats (Will help with training, give them to your pet when they do something right)
  5. Toys (Definitely need these to entertain your doggy)
  6. Dog Bed (Make sure it is comfortable for your dog so he can sleep in it, some dogs may also chew on their bed so keep an eye out)
  7. Poo-Bags (Clean after your dogs… Must I say more?… No, I don’t)
  8. Leash (You’ll definitely need this when taking your dog on a walk after he’s been checked by a Vet)
  9. Carrier (To carry your pet through traveling)


  1. Urine Destroyer (Will eliminate any urine on carpets, just incase your dog has an accident)
  2. Bitter Spray (If you think your dog will chew on furniture, just spray some of this on it and it will make them know that they shouldn’t chew on it the next time they try to.)
  3. Lint Roller (If your dog tends to shed, will pick up hair very easily.)

Step #3 – Taking Care of Your Dog

 Now the behavior of your dog can vary A LOT. Your dog’s breed could be known as a very silly, energetic dog, but it could be a very well behaved and obedient. So, I’ll probably just be making recommendations of what I think you should do. Well, first of all, your dog must get used to the new environment he/she is in, so let them explore their new habitat as much as they’d like. Just make sure they’re safe, so you should probably keep an eye on where they’re going. As before, your pet may be different, but I would show my pet as many things as I can when they are around 3-10 weeks old, sort of like humans, they learn faster when they’re younger. When your dog gets older, remember that you should always buy them new toys every once in a while so they don’t get bored of the old ones, also buy some sort of bone they can chew on if they’re teething. Most important of all, exercise your dog, otherwise they’ll get bored and sad, it also keeps them very happy and entertained. You should give their own spot in the house that is more closed in than normal, it will make them feel safe when they go to sleep at night. It’s basically a doggy den. Some pets might also need to be groomed, and bathed often. Also don’t forget that you have to take your pet to the vet for check-ups. Something I forgot to mention is meeting other animals, if you have some sort of other animal, you must introduce that animal to your new pet. They may not like each other at first but soon they’ll learn, if they fight, quickly gently pick-up the pets and carry them away from each other, find a way to teach them that what they did wasn’t right. The reasons why animals tend to fight each other, is because they are very territorial, so if you bring in a new pet, you’ll make them feel like you’re adding an intruder to their territory, or homeland. Some may get along very well, some may not, as before, it may vary. Other than that, I wish you luck in the future once you have your pet! Have a good one!


 Now I can’t end a blog post about animals without adding some sort of picture, so here’s a random picture of a corgi that I think looked pretty funny.

Good luck raising your pet!

3 thoughts on “Getting A New Pet? WP11

  1. joshua

    Dear Keaton, I like this post because I think its really cool of you to actually take care of your dog because some kids are really disrespectful to their dog and I just think that its really cool for you too post something kind of your dog.

  2. Arianna

    Dear Keaton,

    I love how you posted this blog post about getting a new dog because I recently just got a new dog .

    from, Arianna

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