Words of Wisdom April 4-8


know tyself


Select one of the quotes from the words of wisdom this week, copy and paste the quote in the response, and then write at least two thoughtful sentences in response. You are welcome to either agree or disagree with the statement. References to your own experiences are welcome.


“Know thyself.”  (Plutarch) 

“I have  never been contained except I made the prison.”  (Mari Evans)

“Envy shoots at others and wounds itself” (English Saying)

60 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom April 4-8

  1. steven

    “Know thyself.” (Plutarch) This is true. Because if you do not know yourself, you may not who you could really be. You may also make bad decisions and be with the wrong people without knowing yourself.

  2. Alissa

    “Envy shoots at others and wounds itself” (English Saying) I think this quote means that when you say a certain thing to someone, it may affect them and hurt their feelings. I agree with this because your words and actions may mean so much more than you think.

  3. Cole

    “Envy shoots at others and wounds itself” (English Saying) I think this quote means that when you say a certain thing to someone, it may affect them and hurt their feelings. I agree with this because your words and actions may mean so much more than you think.

  4. ayden

    “Envy shoots at others and wounds itself” (English Saying) I think this quote means that when you say a certain thing to someone, it may affect them and hurt their feelings. I agree with this quote because your actions can hurt people more than you think.

  5. brady

    “Envy shoots at others and wounds itself” (English Saying)I think this means that even though you are envious, it does not mean it changes anything.It only hurts you.

  6. brynna

    “I have never been contained except I made the prison.” (Mari Evans). You are a good person so don’t let that go to waste. don’t let it get to the point were you are put in prison because prison is not a good and happy place to be so whenever you feel sad or depressed or whatever just go to your happy place and be calm.

  7. trinity :)

    “Envy shoots at others and wounds itself” (English Saying)
    This quote is saying that you can always be envy es but it’s always gonna come back to you. This quote I think that just be happy for what you are don’t be wishing to be someone else.

  8. Alyssa D'Ambrogia

    “Know thyself.” (Plutarch)

    If you do not know yourself, how is somebody else suppose to know you? You need to know yourself, in order to trust and believe in your self.

  9. Bradley

    “Envy shoots at others and wounds itself” (English Saying)
    I think this quote means that when you say a certain thing to someone and they have it better than you might feel bad about yourself and what you have and don’t have. You should always feel happy about what you have because you will always be looked at like you have the most.

  10. Mark

    “Know thyself.” (Plutarch) This is true. Because if you do not know yourself, you may not who you could really be. You may also make bad decisions and be with the wrong people without knowing yourself.

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