Words of Wisdom April 18-22


lived well


Select one of the quotes from the words of wisdom this week, copy and paste the quote in the response, and then write at least two thoughtful sentences in response. You are welcome to either agree or disagree with the statement. References to your own experiences are welcome.




“Do you know what a diligent man is? He shall be successful and stand before kings.”  (Hebrew Proverb)

“I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me.  I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)

“He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

61 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom April 18-22

  1. Trishaal

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous) I think this quote means that who lives a good life is living how they want to. This also means they live their life as a good one.

  2. cole

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous) I think this quote means you should try to live a good life. I think it also means you should be more positive.

  3. Mikayla

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood) Sometimes you just need to be patient and work it out slowly. Just take it step by step that way you can do it right the first time.

  4. Tyler

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

    I agree with this quote because it important that you appreciate what you have and not take anything for granite. It is good to laugh a lot and love everything.

  5. jenna

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)
    I think that this means that nothing just comes to you because you have to work for it.
    He is saying that nothing comes easy to him, he has to earn everything that he does. This is a good quote.

  6. Keanna

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)
    This means everyone has their limits. It also means things don’t always come easy.

  7. michael

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous) This quote teaches us that we should work hard in life to succeed. I agree with this quote because hard working usually pays off. An example of hard work paying off is people starting businesses, it is hard but it will pay off.

  8. ayden

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

    I think this quote means that if you have done those things then you have succeeded. Almost nothing is more important than those things in life.

  9. Austin

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)This quote means that limitations slow you down. If you don’t have limitations you will get a lot more done.

  10. Spencer

    “Do you know what a diligent man is? He shall be successful and stand before kings.” (Hebrew Proverb) To me this says that if you act as a diligent man you will be successful. To me this also says that being a diligent man will get you to be able to stand before kings.

  11. Jarrett

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)
    I agree with this but there are many ways to successful in life. One such way is to love much and hold all things close and laugh and just generally enjoy life as it is and not want more.

  12. Caleb

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)

    I chose this one because some people have to think things over very slowness. Though very slow thinkers tend to always make the right decision than to make a decision super fast and then regret it in the future.

  13. Cody

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

    I chose this statement because it actually means something to me. I think that if someone works hard enough in life it will eventually pay off.

  14. Caleb

    “Do you know what a diligent man is? He shall be successful and stand before kings.” (Hebrew Proverb)

    I agree with this. I do because it is true. I believe it to be true because if you work diligently, then success will come to you. If not, you will not be successful.

  15. Mark

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)
    Its saying he loved alot of people. He lived successfully but still loved the people around him.

  16. Bradley

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    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)
    History doesn’t come easy to me because I don’t like reading and I’m no good at writing. But I always try my best and get all of my work done.

  17. Bryan

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

    These are characteristics that trigger your mood. Even in the darkest hour you should just let it pass by as you also fix it.

  18. tearryck

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

    These are characteristics that trigger your mood. Even in the darkest hour you should just let it pass by as you also fix it.

  19. Leo

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)
    To me this quote means that you have to work hard in life. It also means that some things don’t come easy.

  20. Jace

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    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)
    History doesn’t come easy to me because I don’t like reading and I’m no good at writing. But I always try my best and get all of my work done.

  21. Mealyiah

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood) I think this means that you have to take you time and it will come to you. You have to take your time and it will come to you. I agree with this quote.

  22. brynna

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous). If you believe you can accomplish anything. Don’t let others get in your way and just stand tall.

  23. Brandon

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)

    I agree with what this said because its true. You can do almost anything but you have to work for it.

  24. Jayson

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)
    I think this means that you can achieve anything as long as you are kind. If not then you won’t achieve things.

  25. Brandon

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    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)

    I agree with what this said because its true. You can do almost anything but you have to work for it. You also cant expect you’re dreams to just be handed to you.

  26. Ryan

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)
    I agree with this quote because it is true. Instead of doing something quick and easy sometimes you need to take time and work with it.

  27. trinity :)

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)
    This quote is saying that you don’t need money or a big house and fancy things,all you need is family love and to laugh those are the keys to life. No matter what you do as long as your’e with the people who love you you will have a fulfilled life.

  28. Zach

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood) I think this quote is very true for a few reasons. You have to work for things in life nothing comes free.

  29. DAVID

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)

    This is a strong statement that you should remember throughout life. Things that require any level of skill will never come easy, whether it be an instrument, sport or anything challenging.

  30. Cole

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous) I think this quote means that who lives a good life is living how they want to. This also means they live their life as a good one.

  31. trevor

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

    I think this quote means that if you have done those things then you have succeeded. Those are the most important things in life.

  32. brady

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)I think this means that nobody is perfect.Also, it means to try you’r best even though you’r not

  33. Meghan

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous) This quote teaches us that we should work hard in life to succeed. I agree with this quote because hard working usually pays off. An example of hard work paying off is people starting businesses, it is hard but it will pay off.

  34. Wyatt

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood)
    This quote is like life. Life can’t be easy. You have to work hard in life.

  35. Max

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

    This means that the people who live well achieve success. I believe this is true because people who are happy often have a lot of success.

  36. Joshua

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)\

    One does not just simply have a successful life. Having money and riches doesn’t make you successful. If you laugh often and love much you can have a good life.

  37. Noble

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)

    This means that success is something you can’t win through work. Success is something you achieve by living a good life, and enjoying it as much as you can.

  38. Nicole

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood) This is true, everyone has his or her limits. People usually do not know there limits right away, but it takes time to find your limitations. This quote also says, that things may not come easily to you, but it might come to you slowly over time.

  39. Kasey

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous) I like this quote because I can relate to this. And I just love the meaning of this quote.

  40. rl0075

    “Do you know what a diligent man is? He shall be successful and stand before kings.” If you are smart you will be great. If you have intelligence you can be powerful. You know what they say “knowledge is power”.

  41. ms2149

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)
    I think this means that if you enjoy life and make it the best you can you will have a good life. I also think this means that if you have a positive attitude you will be successful.

  42. TTBF

    “Do you know what a diligent man is? He shall be successful and stand before kings.” this quote means that if you are diligent then you will be a successful person. That’s my back round on this quote and i agree with it because being diligent is a good trait and brings success.

  43. Alissa

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous) I agree with this quote because I feel like you will succeed in life the more positive you are about things. I say that because if you’re always negative and not happy then you can’t really say you’ll have a good future since you aren’t really positive about things. Also, being able to laugh a lot is such a wonderful thing because in that moment you’ll feel so joyful and it’s gonna lead to a more positive mind which will lead you to success.

  44. Alyssa

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)
    I think this quote is true and I think this quote means the people who achieved success is the people who lived well, laughed a lot, and loved much. When you enjoy life, you have achieved success. When you laugh a lot, that means your enjoying life. And when you laugh a lot, you are being loved by someone too.

  45. diego

    “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous.This quote means that if you have success in life you lived a good life.This quote also means you laugh often when you have success in life.

  46. Deven

    “Do you know what a diligent man is? He shall be successful and stand before kings.” (Hebrew Proverb)
    I think that this wow means that if you are diligent you will be honored. I also think that this means if you are diligent you will have a good job and be successful in life. That is what i believe this quote means.

  47. michael

    “Do you know what a diligent man is? He shall be successful and stand before kings.” (Hebrew Proverb) I think this means that if you are a diligent man you are better than a king. Kings are rulers but they are not always nice and diligent so in a way you are better than the best rulers.

  48. kk3618

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood) I sometimes feel the same way people have to talk slower. So talk slower to me. Do not ask me to talk faster

  49. kk3618

    “I have limitations. Things don’t come easily to me. I have to slug it out slowly.” (John Heywood) I sometimes feel the same way people have to talk slower. So talk slower to me. Do not ask me to talk faster.

  50. eu3718

    He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” (Anonymous)I think this means that people that achieve things only achieve them if you live laugh and love.You need to enjoy life and I also think it is true because you do need to laugh love and live well.

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