Words of Wisdom March 7 to 11


The topics this week focus on respecting yourself and others.  The opening quote was “Don’t find fault; find a remedy.” (Henry Ford)

Select one of the quotes below and respond to it with at least 4 well written sentences.


“You were not made to live like animals, but rather to pursue virtue and knowledge.” (Dante Alighieri)


“Treat others with respect.” (Ron Potter-Efron)


“Learn politeness from the impolite.” (Egyptian Saying)


“The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than him.”  (Chinese Proverb)


“All work, even cotton spinning, is noble; work alone is noble”  (James Garfield)

Words of Wisdom February 28 to March 4


The readings this week all focus on The Golden Rule.  The week opened with a quote by John F. Kennedy, “Every American ought to have the right to be treated as he would wish to be treated”

Select and respond to one of the following quotes from this week with at least 4 strong sentences.


The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” (Theodore Roosevelt)


“Every successful person and every successful leader I have met in business, politics, or elsewhere practices the Golden Rule.”  (Richard Gephardt)


Those gifted with intelligence should always treat others as they themselves wish to be treated.” (Hindu Proverb)


“Men should always treat others as they themselves wish to be treated.”  (Buddhist Teaching)


“He that does good to another does good also to himself. (Seneca)

TEAM Journal March 3


Respond to the following journal prompt with at least 4 well written sentences.

Write about the ways you like to be treated.  Give specific examples.  Of these, which is the most important to you?  Do you treat others the same way?  How?  Do you know of ways you like to be treated that perhaps others do not?  For example, does everyone like to be hugged?  Flattered? Called by a pet name?

Words of Wisdom


Select one of the words of wisdom quotes from this week, restate the quote you selected, and write at least 4 strong sentences relating your own thoughts or experiences tied to the quote.


“Speak to People.  Smile at People.  Call people by name.  Be friendly and helpful.  Be cordial.”  (Dr. David Strutton)


“Have a genuine interest in people.  Be generous with praise.  Be considerate of the feelings of others.  Be thoughtful of the opinions of others.  Be alert to give service.” 


“Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)


“Be careful of your thoughts.  They may become words at any moment.” (Somebody)

TEAM Journal February 24


Discuss three simple ways you can show respect to your teachers, your friends, and your family today.  How can simple acts of respect reduce anger, stress, and violence in the world?  How do simple acts of respect help us become successful human beings?



Welcome to our new class blog.  Today, you have 3 assignments:

  1. Check your Gaggle.net email account to get your log on information.  Use the password provided in that email, then change it to something you will be able to remember easily.
  2. Open a new tab, go to doppleme.com and create an avatar for yourself.  Save the final version of the avatar by right clicking on it, selecting Save Picture As, and saving it to My Pictures.
  3. Upload the avatar to your profile.