Tip #2 Care for a Husky Wp6


Wait before anything else don’t just go out and get a husky you need to know the cost. First of all you cant be one of those people that are out all day you need to be able to spend time with your husky or else it will get aggressive. Second you need to be able to walk it at least 2 miles a day, I personally bike with mine 3 miles a day. Third huskies come from cold places so you cant leave it out in the heat take them inside  for a little bit each day so they don’t overheat or put them in someplace where they wont get hot (they need a lot of water). One last tip is that they have a lot of fur so be prepared for your home to be filled with hair. If you really truly want a husky consider these tips before adopting a husky.imageP.S. this is my husky named Kahlua.