Kadessa the French Mastiff Update WP16


image-2daodwk-225x300So most of you guys know I have a french mastiff named Kadessa. She is image-2daq7p8-300x300now almost 2 years old, she will be 2 in july, and now she is 1 year and 5 months. This is a picture from when she was 6 weeks old. The other picture is when we were driving home the RV repair and she kept wanting to get in my lap then i moved and she took my spot in the front seat. She is a really active and she loves to play. She kind of bites sometimes well she doesnt bite she just never grew out of teething. She is so strong that I can’t walk her that good cause she kept pulling me. When she is about 5 she will look like that dog from sandlot. This is the best dog I ever got. Bye see you this week.