This week I finally Unpacked all of the boxes in my room and organized most things in my room. I for one do not like to do most chores, or unpacking boxes, but I have a few things I do to make unpacking more fun.
My favorite thing to do while unpacking is to play music so it kind of distracts me from how boring unpacking is. Sometimes I’ll just start dancing while I’m listening to music which then makes unpacking to me not seem like a chore.
I also get everything organized the way I like and find out what I need to get rid of what I need more of so I can make a list of what I do need. Also before I even start unpacking I need to find out what goes where, where my bed will go, where my bookcase will go, ect. I also need find find out where I will put everything else like what to put on my shelves, where I’m going to put lotions/perfumes, ect.
These are just the few of the things I do to make unpacking not seem as boring and how I stay organized.