Words of Wisdom February 18 – 21



Select one of the quotes from the words of wisdom this week, copy and paste the quote in the response, and then write at least two thoughtful sentences in response. You are welcome to either agree or disagree with the statement. References to you own experiences are welcome.

Theme – Respect: Simple Things Make a Difference

“Speak to People.  Smile at People.  Call people by name.  Be friendly and helpful.  Be cordial.”  (Dr. David Strutton)

“Have a genuine interest in people.  Be generous with praise.  Be considerate of the feelings of others.  Be thoughtful of the opinions of others.  Be alert to give service.”

“Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)

“Be careful of your thoughts.  They may become words at any moment.” (Somebody)

75 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom February 18 – 21

  1. justin

    “Be careful of your thoughts. They may become words at any moment.” (Somebody) I agree with this statement because you should be careful of what you say to other people. And if you don’t you will be working at McDonald s while you friends drive up and your like hey dude can I have some money and he will say no you bullied me when we where young.

  2. Maraea

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)I like the quote a lot because you should never judge someone unless you have walked a mile in their footsteps. Its not whats on the outside its whats on the inside.

  3. Analiese

    “Be careful of your thoughts. They may become words at any moment.” (Somebody)

    I fully agree with this quote. I agree with it becuase its saying that you need to think before you speak.

  4. Dylan

    “Be careful of your thoughts. They may become words at any moment.” (Somebody)This quote means that it is bad to even talk bad to somebody even if you are not going to say it it is the fact that you thought it is bad. Like if somebody has something wrong with them it is even bad to talk bad about them.

  5. wyatt

    Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)
    This means that you shouldn’t judge people before you know there whole story. You shouldn’t judge people even if you know what there story is but they have a chance to not get made fun of.

  6. Bradley

    “Be careful of your thoughts. They may become words at any moment.” (Somebody)

    This quote is very true. Its pretty much saying you need think before you think.

  7. Steve

    “Be careful of your thoughts. They may become words at any moment.” (Somebody) I like this quote because its true . Your thoughts can really just turn into words any minute . Like maybe if your mad you can say something you might regret .

  8. Nathan

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb) This quote is a good quote because this is really true. You cant judge others if you dont know what they have been through.

  9. alonso

    “Speak to People. Smile at People. Call people by name. Be friendly and helpful. Be cordial.” (Dr. David Strutton)
    You must speak properly to people and with a smile to make them feel accepted. Call people by there name so they feel like you know alot about them be friendly and helpful to make them be better to be your friend.

  10. Jared

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)
    I think this quote means that to judge someone you have to be in their position. In also think this means that to judge someone you might be in there place one day or you were like them

  11. zachary

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)
    This is true because if you don’t like some one because the way they look then you will probably like them by there personality. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

  12. yoshi

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)

    This quote is very informational. The reason is because when you judge someone in a bad way. Stick your foot in their shoes and then judge them.

  13. Hance Von Larden

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)

    I really like this quote and I think it is very true. If you don’t know what others have been through you should not judge them.

  14. Katiana

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb) I like this quote because I think that you should not judge anybody because you never know what they are going through at any time. Before anybody judges anybody they should try being in their position or their “shoes” and then see how they live.

  15. michael

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)
    I agree with this saying because you cant judge a book by its cover. You dont know about other peoples lives.

  16. Jayden

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)
    I agree with this becauseyou can not judge a book by its cover. You can not judge someone unless you know what they are going through.

  17. Brad

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)

    If you judge someone without being in their situation then you are foolish. That is like saying you are ugly to someone who is nice inside.

  18. kailey

    “Speak to People. Smile at People. Call people by name. Be friendly and helpful. Be cordial.” (Dr. David Strutton)

    I think this comment means that if a new kid comes to your school you should be kind and interduse your self. If they don’t know where to go you should be kind help them out.

  19. Jerome

    “Speak to People. Smile at People. Call people by name. Be friendly and helpful. Be cordial.” (Dr. David Strutton)

    Be nice to people and help people out. No matter who it is just talk to them and get to know them.

  20. Jessica

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)When you see someone doing something they shouldn’t be you shouldn’t atoumatically judge them. They could be going through something that you don’t know about.

  21. daniel

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb). This statement means that nobody should judge anyone because you don’t know what they have been through. Also this means that if someone is going through a rough time you shouldn’t judge them.

  22. so0275

    “Speak to People. Smile at People. Call people by name. Be friendly and helpful. Be cordial.” (Dr. David Strutton) What I love about this quote is that you should never make someone sad always let them keep their head up with positive comments. Treat people with respect and they will respect you back.

  23. Jordyn

    “Do not judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.” (Jewish Proverb)This is like the saying why don’t you take a walk in my shoes (or their shoes). You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

  24. so0275

    “Speak to People. Smile at People. Call people by name. Be friendly and helpful. Be cordial.” (Dr. David Strutton) This quote means that always have a great personality for people never make bad faces and be kind to everyone. Always have a smile and show respect to everyone and never call people names call them by their proper name.

  25. Paige

    Dear Falcons Tech,
    I noticed how you have a lot of sayings for wisdom week and I thought it was pretty cool so I decided to comment. The saying I chose was “Do not Judge your fellow man (or woman) until you have stood in his (or her) place.”(Jewish Proverb). What else have you done for wisdom week?

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