Words of Wisdom February 23 – 27


Image result for respect others

Select one of the quotes from the words of wisdom this week, copy and paste the quote in the response, and then write at least two thoughtful sentences in response. You are welcome to either agree or disagree with the statement. References to your own experiences are welcome.


Theme – Respecting Others

“The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors.  He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)

“Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.”  (Farouk El-“Baz)

“No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket”  (James Garfield)

87 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom February 23 – 27

  1. sierra

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)

    I chose this quote because I believe it is true. This quote says that a good person is kind to his or her peers and sets a good example.

  2. khaliah

    “Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.” (Farouk El-“Baz)I agree with that because people of all colors make fun of each other needs to stop making fun of others.I also agree because we live in a world were people are raises.

  3. Jayce

    “Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.” (Farouk El-“Baz)
    I like this quote because it says that when people are racist they are just scared. And they don’t have any facts that can be supported about being racists.

  4. Daniel

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield) This saying is very true because you don’t know who is there. You don’t know everything about them, so respect them.

  5. Nathan

    “Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.” (Farouk El-“Baz)

    This is totally true because, today people are very racist. I believe that people are racist because they don’t know information about the race.

  6. jesel

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)
    You can’t judge somebody by what they look like or what they sound like. You never know who they are on the inside.

  7. omar

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius) If you do something good people will see the good and do good to back to you.

  8. Olivia

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)

    I agree with his quote because it shows that even if you “know the person” they could be hiding something. It also shows that they may not be good people and just tricking you.

  9. Daniel

    “Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.” (Farouk El-“Baz). I agree with this quote because people will sometimes judge people because they don’t know who they are. Just as don’t judge a book by it’s cover don’t make remarks or judgements about people without knowing their past.

  10. Jake

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)

    I agree with this quote because sometimes a person may look weird or mean but once you get to know them they may be a really good person. You just have to get to know people.

  11. lauren

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)
    This quote is telling me that you should always respect others no matter how they act. Also that if you are good to others then you will set a good example for your neighbors and yourself.

  12. Brittany

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)
    In my opinion this quote means that no one knows who hit the last straw. By that I mean that with that last bad thing he or she did made something bad happen.

  13. Dylan

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius) I like this because a good man should always set good examples. Also that he takes care of the things around him.

  14. Savannah

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield) I agree with this because i no one knows what you have been through. It shows that you have no room to judge people.

  15. kassie

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)

    To me this quote means that you never know what people could be going though. It’s important to never judge someone based on appearance or when you first meet them. I’m sure we’ve all heard the quote: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, I believe this is very similar to the one above.

  16. kamen

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)
    I think this is trying to say that you might not no who is behind who you think the person is.Just be careful and dont think you no someone when you dont.Just be careful.

  17. Gabriel

    “Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.” (Farouk El-“Baz) This is true because we are only afraid of the unknown. Another reason this is true is if we are afraid of the unknown then the way to not be afraid is to learn. The last reason this is true is that we need to learn in order to not be afraid.

  18. Riann

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)
    You will not have the reason to know who is in the coat until you have walked in there shoes. You have to know how a person acts to know who he is under the coat.

  19. Bressa

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)
    This post is saying that nobody knows who you are till you show them. I mean you could be a awesome, fun person, who never shows who you really are. You, or the people reading this need to show people your true inner self. Show what you’re proud of. Do whats proud.

  20. scotty

    “Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.” (Farouk El-“Baz) This very true because racism is a very cruel and stupid thing. Normally stupid say racism things to other people.

  21. maria Hogan

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)

    This means that someone can be hiding who they are. It also means that the person can be pretending to be someone they aren’t just to fit in. There can be more than one person buttoned up in a jacket.

  22. diego

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield) This quote tells me that people are really sneaking and nasty (some of them).This quote is down grading people or at least I think it’s.This quote is kinda ridiculous.

  23. nina

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)

    I agree with this quote because I also think a good neighbor will respect you by respecting your property. A good person will respect the people around them.

  24. Raegan

    “Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.” (Farouk El-“Baz)

    This is a very true quote. People shouldn’t start racism if everyone knows they can be proved wrong. People enjoy anything related to that. For example some are just disrespectful or just mean in general. People need to stop with ALL of it and get over themselves.

  25. stephanie

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)

    This quote means that you don’t know who the person is on the outside. You may see what is on the outside but you don’t know what’s on the inside. This quote could also mean ” don’t judge a book by a cover.”

  26. Jonathan

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)

    I agree with this quote for lots of reasons.
    One reason is because there’s a lot of great people that people underestimate in this school. Lots of people hide their true selves.

  27. david

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield) Most people judge a book by its cover but they don’t really know that person. The reason why is because most people take time to get to know new people.

  28. cassidy

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)
    A person who is nice and respectful to others is the better man. That is what I think this quote by Confucius means. That is also because when you are nice and respectful you are also setting a good example for others.

  29. Robert

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)
    I agree with this statement because he cares for people and their things. He cares to other things and people if they are hurt then he cares about everyone and the earth.

  30. Sammy

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)

    This quote makes me think that you never know whats really happening in someone else’s life outside of what you see. Kind of like the other quote that says not to judge a book by it’s cover.

  31. Hayden

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)
    This shows how people are with new things and how they are with it.Also means how we as people and show on how we have fear new things all the time.

  32. Erik

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)

    I agree with this quote because if you respect others then it shows you are a good person and you deserve respect. This makes him superior to the other people because he does what he should.

  33. Hannah

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield)

    This is very true. Now a days people go onto a “safe” website thinking it’s safe when in reality someone might be waiting behind the screen to try to get to “know” you.

  34. Austin

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield). This says that no one knows who you are on the inside. This is why you shouldn’t be quick to judge.

  35. “Racism comes from fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge and is usually stopped by information.” (Farouk El-“Baz)

    Ah, finally. A quote on the cruelty of racism and prejudice. There’s no need to explain this quote, it explains itself. Fear usually either comes from ignorance, or too much knowledge.

  36. cameron

    “No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket” (James Garfield) I think this is true because you never know what people are like in the inside. Some people are nice on the outside but they could be really mean on the inside.

  37. kassie

    “The superior man sets a good example to his neighbors. He is considerate of their feelings and their property.” (Confucius)

    This quote tells us what qualities a leader or superior should have. It explains to us that a true leader has more than just lots of money or success. It also mentions that a good leader should consider others’ feelings and situations.

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