Words of Wisdom March 9 – 13


Image result for kindness begets kindness

Select one of the quotes from the words of wisdom this week, copy and paste the quote in the response, and then write at least two thoughtful sentences in response. You are welcome to either agree or disagree with the statement. References to your own experiences are welcome.


Theme – Kindness: Making a Difference

“Kindness begets (produces) kindness.”  (Sophocles)

“Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

“Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness.” (George Sand)

94 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom March 9 – 13

  1. Braedon

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) I chose this quote because life is all about teaching us. It teaches us this and we need to make sure we remember this. Being harsh to others is something we need to learn not to do.

  2. Jordyn

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    I agree with this quote. In life we learn life lessons. We learn how to not expect so much out of our self. We also learn to do the same with others.

  3. Esmeralda

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)
    This quote tells me that when you are kind to someone that someone may be kind to another. Always show kindness because people learn how to be kind to others.

  4. Elizabeth

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goeth) I like this quote because it says to not be so negative about yourself. Or about anyone, Never bring yourself down or anyone down. Cheer others up when they’re feeling down. Always have something positive to say about yourself and about someone else.

  5. Kayla

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles) I agree with this quote because if you are kind to someone then they will be kind to you. It also works the other way if you are mean to some one they will most likely be mean to you.

  6. Dylan

    “Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness.” (George Sand)
    This quote is kind of interesting.Because were taught to give everyone our kindness instead of keeping.So,I disagree with this quote because it doesn’t make sense.

  7. Max

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) I chose this quote because I think everyday you learn new things. Some of those things are that you need to be kind to others and everyday you will get better at it and soon enough you will be very nice to others all the time.

  8. Stephanie

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)

    This quote makes me really happy, because the meaning behind it states that if you are kind to people, you will receive kindness in return. So in other words, treat people the way that you would want to be treated.

  9. Megan

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) This is a great quote because it’s saying that whatever you go through life you will learn a lot. It will teach you to be less harsh to yourself because you watch someone be harsh to themselves and how it knocks them down. It also teaches you to be less harsh to others by watching people be harsh to another and how it can bring someone down.

  10. TurnedupPrincess

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles). This means that if you be kind to others you would get the respect back. So treat people the way you would like to me treated.

  11. Blaine

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    I chose this quote because I always like to be nice to others, along with ourselves. Also, I chose to not be mean to others, so I hope that influences others to be nice too.

  12. Jace

    “Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness.” (George Sand)

    I think this is a great quote. The reason I think this is a great quote because you need to be on guard and you need to always have kindness.

  13. nick

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)What this quote is saying is that life is hard but if you accept the harshness then you could live through anything much more painful.It is also saying that we must treat others with kindness and and they will treat you with kindness.

  14. Austin

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe). Being hard on others will get you nothing in life. Always be kind to others and you might get something in return.

  15. angelina

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)
    I chose this quote because it’s true. Were more harsh on ourselves than others. We choose every little flaw and hate ourselves everyday for it. Instead of being harsh on the people who deserve it were more harsh on ourselves because we feel like we deserve it instead of them. So next time you think about one of your flaws how about you think of someone who just mistreated you and you let them get away with out an apology.

  16. stuart

    “Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness.” (George Sand) I like this quote very much and I will always keep this with me.This quote means basically to guard your kindness so others wont take it away.

  17. Faith

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    I don’t agree with this quote because I think that its wrong. Life is harder for some people and they are extremely hard on themselves and other people. Also there is a thing called depression that is when they aren’t happy with themselves. Everyone acts like life is so great but really life is hard.

  18. Ethan

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) i agree with this because you need to be less harsh with others. You should agree with people than argue and be harsh.

  19. brandon

    “Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness.” (George Sand)
    This quote is kind of interesting.Because were taught to give everyone our kindness instead of keeping.So,I disagree with this quote because it doesn’t make sense.

  20. Trinity

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)
    I think this quote means if someone is kind to another then that other will be happy and kind to someone else. I agree with this quote because kindness can spread from person to person.

  21. Joey

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) I like this quote when you are harsh on yourself it gets you know where in life. If you are nice to others like friends then you could get something in return.

  22. steven

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) This is true. Because if you want to do good in life you have to be good to yourself. And the others you are with.

  23. joseph

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)

    This quote is very true. If you are kind to someone they will be kind to someone else. Over time it will create a train of kindness.

  24. Ryan

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)
    This quote means that being mean to yourself or others will get you nowhere. If you are nice to others good things could happen to you.

  25. trent

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) If you are hard on others, then you will get nothing in return in life. If we are nice or kind to others then you should get something in return.

  26. Shivani

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)
    This quote tells me that when you are kind to someone that someone may be kind to another. Always show kindness because people learn how to be kind to others.

  27. Katiana

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) I like this quote because it means that you should never be to hard on yourself or on others because everyone makes mistakes. There will always be a second chance or choice, so move on and keep your head up even when you fail.

  28. Parker

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    I agree with this quote because you shouldn’t be mean to others. How you would be mean to yourself is if you do harmful things to your body.

  29. Cody

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)

    I chose this statement because it is true. This happens to people just about everyday, when you are kind to someone they will most likely be kind to others.

  30. Caleb

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    I chose this one because everyone needs to be respectful to yourself and others. I will be successful in life if you respect others, its almost like karma, if you do good for others you’ll get something back.

  31. logan

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe). This means not to get down on yourself when you make the wrong mistake. If your nice to others you will get kindness back from others.

  32. nicholas

    “Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness.” (George Sand) This quote is true, because if you don’t have kindness then you will not know how to share it. This tells us that we should share our kindness with others frequently.

  33. Braden

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)
    I agree with this quote because what goes around comes around. If you treat someone with kindness someone will treat you with kindness.

  34. deseaus

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) I chose this quote because life is all about teaching us. It teaches us this and we need to make sure we remember this. Being harsh to others is something we need to learn not to do.

  35. Janilyn-Rayana

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)

    I believe that this quote is sending the message that if you are kind to others, then they will be kind in return. You should be kind to others, because you only have one life, and you should make the best out of it.There are actually No bad people in the world at all. Some people come into your life as blessings, while the rest of the people are brought into your life as lessons. Even if you’re having a bad day… you’re having a bad DAY, not a bad LIFE. Everything is in YOUR hands, remember that. We are not given a good or a bad life. We are given life, and it’s up to you to make it good or bad. The goal in life isn’t to live forever, it’s to create something that will, and that’s ALL up to you. I hope you understand what life is, and how important your’s is.
    -Janilyn Manibusan

  36. Toby

    Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    This means that we get taught to not be mean. To be kind to others.

  37. cole

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe) This means if you say something bad about someone you’re saying something bad about yourself. This also means if you give kindness you will get kindness back.

  38. Daniel

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles) This saying is very true, because when your kind to someone they will mostly be kind back and to others. Be kind so that everyone will be kind to you.

  39. Marina

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)
    I believe this quote is true because it means to not get down on yourself. You should be nice to others because it compels them to be kind to you.

  40. Tramaine

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    I agree with this because you should always be kind to others. Even your self don’t tough on yourself

  41. (ORSON)

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe). I totally agree with this quote. This quote teaches us to not blame ourselves or others when something goes wrong. If we all just stop blaming each other, there would be peace.

  42. sierra

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    I chose this quote because I believe it is true. It says that in life, we can’t be hard on ourselves or others as well as being kind and loving.

  43. Jared

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)

    This statement refers to how if your nice to someone they may return kindness to you. I agree with it in the sense that being kind may cause others to be kind to you.

  44. Nathaniel

    “Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness.” (George Sand) this means that if you do not surround your self with kindness you will not be a kind person

  45. khaliah

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)I agree with that because life is just all about obstetrical.I also think that life teaches us how to live.

  46. zac

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)
    I liked this quote because it’s true. I think it’s true because if you go somewhere there’s always going to be someone that has it harder then you.

  47. jesel

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)
    People who are kind to others get kindness back, producing kindness everywhere. When one person is kind it makes everyone who they are kind to want to be kind.

  48. virgilio

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles) I agree with this quote because if you are kind to someone then they will be kind to you. It also works the other way if you are mean to some one they will most likely be mean to you.

  49. Jayce

    “Kindness begets (produces) kindness.” (Sophocles)
    I like this quote because it means if you are kind to someone they will be kind to you. So if you tell someone a good fishing spot they will tell you a good one too.

  50. Olivia

    “Life teaches us to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.” (Goethe)

    I agree with this quote because it shows that if you make your life happy, then your being nice to yourself and others. If you’re happy,then your enjoying life and what it has to offer.

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