Words of Wisdom August 3-7


togetherSelect one of the quotes from the words of wisdom this week, copy and paste the quote in the response, and then write at least two thoughtful sentences in response. You are welcome to either agree or disagree with the statement. References to your own experiences are welcome.


“When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.”  (Chinese Proverb)

“People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.”  (Desmond Tutu)

“. . . We are entangled in an unbroken chain of interdependence and mutual survival. (K.W. Lee)

76 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom August 3-7

  1. trinity :)

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” (Desmond Tutu)

    I think this quote is trying to say is in order to succeed we all have to work together as a team to achieve greatness but if all work separate and alone what will we all achieve. So in that case we need to stick together in order to make great things possible.

  2. brynna

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” (Desmond Tutu).I fell like I agree and disagree because some people like to have there space and to be alone but some people do like to have people around them.

  3. DAVID

    “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb)

    A fantastic quote that I completely agree with. If we are constantly anxious about how other people see us, it may cause lots of stress and sometimes even psychological problems. We should stop this and just be ourselves.

  4. Meghan

    “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb) I think it means when you are happy then you feel more healthy because your not sad or depressed.So we should surround our self with good people to keep our heart as ease.

  5. michael

    “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.”
    I think this saying means that if you are nice in the the heart then nobody will judge you. Then you will have a better life

  6. Zach

    “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb)

    I think this quote means that If you are stressful, your heart isn’t beating fast and you are healthy. So I also think this quote means that if you do your homework and get good grades, you won’t stress about having bad grades so overall I believe this quote means to do your homework so you are healthy.

  7. trevor

    When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb) I copied this quote beacuse it is very kind. When he says the heart is at ease, the body is healthy,it means the heart is a very important part of the body.

  8. Deven

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” (Desmond Tutu)
    I think that this quote means that we were not meant to fight with each other in the world but to stay together.I also believe that this means that we are stronger together and that we should stay as a team.

  9. gabriel

    When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb) When I am peace I can have some fun.

  10. Clayton

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” (Desmond Tutu)
    Being together with my family and my sister is important because my sister will be here and not far away.

  11. Grant

    “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb)

    I find myself feeling physically best when I am most calm. I will try and remember this proverb so I can remind myself to stay calm.

  12. Matthew

    “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb)
    It makes sense to me because when I am relaxed I just feel… better than usual. As a example, after running a mile I’d just sit and relax, and just breathe, which makes me calmer, and well, at ease.

  13. Tanner

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.”

    i think it mean peaple stay together for a reason and to show that peaple now what they need to know peaple now who to say with.

  14. Michaela

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.”
    When people work together everything soon becomes possible and the world becomes more clear. I definitely agree with this quote because I believe that working together will help you achieve anything in life and will also make sure that you listen to other peoples ideas and thoughts. Togetherness should be a way of life to make things achievable.

  15. Skylar

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” (Desmond Tutu)

    I chose this quote because I think that it means that we need to stick together with our friends and family because its important to work together as a team. Your friends and family will stand by you so you need to stand by them. Being with your friends and family and working together is important.

  16. Emma

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.”
    This quote means that people are not meant to be put into groups based on their personality or popularity. People are meant to be together and help each other out.

  17. Arianna

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” (Desmond Tutu)

    I think think this quote is trying to tell us that when people work together they achieve more. I disagree with this quote also because i think that sometimes people can do things on there own.

  18. Guadalupe

    “People are created for togetherness,not for apartness and division.”

    I think this quote means that we should be together and not apart.Racism and other things are really just against this quote. We should just be together and happy.

  19. Aeryn

    “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy means is that if that you stress too much, your heartbeat speeds up, you calm down and your heartbeat and stress slows down. I say that this quote means as you relax, you feel at ease and your body is healthy.

  20. Alex

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.”

    I believe this quote means that we were created to work together. When we work together we accomplish more tasks, if we were not we would take twice as long. Working as a team builds healthy relationships.

  21. kiana

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.”

    I believe that this quote means that when we all work together as a team, we always accomplish more things than when we work independently. When we work as a team, we seem much happier together, and as a group we can share our ideas and help each other with much harder tasks. People should never be apart from each other and always work together to fulfill anything in life. That’s why we should always be together because we always make each other happier when were together.

  22. kaitlyn

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” I think that this means that people were one big team. Like people would always helped each other no matter what.

  23. Miranda

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” (Desmond Tutu)

    I love this quote because it represents how life should work. Many times, you will have to work in teams and you are stuck with them. You can not just bail out of a group because you don’t like how they look, or act, or even if you have been enemies with one of them for life. Just be together, and deal with it like they are the best person ever.

  24. Mackenzie

    When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb). This is say that when you pass away you will not be to mad or upset you will be happy and well at rest. This way you will not look mad when you have every one see you.

  25. Pierce

    “When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” (Chinese Proverb). I agree with this because it shows that if you are happy of in a good mood that you feel good or healthy. Another thing I agree with is that if you are mad or grumpy you feel horrible or bad.

  26. kk3618

    “People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.” (Desmond Tutu) People need to be together. So that they can produce more of us.

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