Words of Wisdom August 24-28


america diversitySelect one of the quotes from the words of wisdom this week, copy and paste the quote in the response, and then write at least two thoughtful sentences in response. You are welcome to either agree or disagree with the statement. References to your own experiences are welcome.

  • “Numberless are the world’s numbers, but none more wonderful

than human beings.” (Sophocles)

  • “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to

be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

  • “America is strong because of its diversity. Our history tells us this

is true. ‘E Pluribus Unum’ was a good motto in the early days of our country and it is a

good motto today. From the many, one. It’s what makes us Americans.” (Barbara


78 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom August 24-28

  1. Josh

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” This quote means to me that every human being is unique in their own way. Everyone is different for a reason, if we were all the same it would be boring.

  2. Bryson

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” I believe that this is true because everyone has a different personality. No one is the same no one has the same characteristics.

  3. Olivia

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    Always be yourself, we are all loved. Everyone is unique and different in the world.

  4. Xiomara

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” I agree with this quote because everyone was made to be different. It would be really boring if everyone one was the same. Remember to be yourself because everyone is already taken.

  5. Ava

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” I love this quote because it tells you that everyone is different in their own way. Never be someone your not always be yourself.

  6. Andrew

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I like this comment because it means that everyone is unique. And some people can do what no one else can do.

  7. Roman

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”
    I believe that this means that everyone is different for a reason. If everyone was the same, there would be nothing different about anyone.

  8. joseph

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”
    This means that every person is special.Everyone should just be themselves to do amazing things no one else can.

  9. Dante

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I agree with this statement because it tells you that you should be you. Instead of trying to fit in and being uncomfortable, just be you. If you are loud then be loud, if your quiet then be quiet. Don’t try and match someone else’s expectations, match your own. Every human being will be different and special, no one is the same.

  10. Taylor

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” I like this quote because it’s saying that we were created differently and we shouldn’t worry about what others think of us. I think that people should do what they want to do without feeling insecure.

  11. Aileen

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”
    I believe this quote means that everyone should be different because people who think differently can do things just the same like people who think the same but get better things. It could also mean be yourself and don’t do things to blend in.

  12. keaton

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”I think this comet is right because everyone has a part in this world. I haven’t found mine but i can and so can everyone in the world.

  13. Bryce

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)I agree with this because if you try to be someone your not you will be crazy. Plus its kind of weird to be copping someone like the same haircut try to be someone your not.

  14. Montez

    “Numberless are the world’s numbers, but none more wonderful
    than human beings.” (Sophocles) I think this means their’s a lot of people in this world. But none more wonderful then humans.

  15. Isabel

    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Chaining)”. I picked this quote because it is true and nobody is the same other people are different and that is not bad. It dose not matter if people are different it maters that you like it .

  16. lauren

    Every human being is intended to have character of his own, to be what no other is, and to do what no other can do.
    Don’t be afraid to express yourself and be true. Every one is made different, if we were all the same, we would not have the special talents that make us special.

  17. cole

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” This quote means to me that every human is unique in their own way. This also means we should not judge different people.

  18. mikayla

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”This quote means that everyone was made special and unique. Nobody was made to look and act exactly like anyone else.

  19. Arcel

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” This means that every human is different no one is the same we all have our own important role in life. In other words William Channing is saying everyone has a role even if it doesn’t look like it.

  20. Tyler

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I agree with this quote because it means that everybody is different. You shouldn’t try to be anybody else than you.

  21. Trishaal

    “America is strong because of its diversity. Our history tells us this
    is true. ‘E Pluribus Unum’ was a good motto in the early days of our country and it is a
    good motto today. From the many, one. It’s what makes us Americans.” (Barbara Jordan). The different cultures here show how people live and that everyone is different. It also shows that everyone is different.

  22. Caleb

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I chose this one because the whole point of living in the world is to do the things you have wanted to do your whole life. Be somebody that no one else is, achieve your goals and be the best there ever was to live, whether its if your a baseball, basketball, soccer, or football, just live your life the best you can and you will never have any regrets.

  23. Jarrett

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”
    I like this quote because it helps to show that if our minds thought exactly alike alike nothing new would be created. You have to be yourself step out take a risk be yourself don’t feel you have to do something to fit in do something because it’s you do what you want it’s your life live it how you want.

  24. Cody

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I chose this statement because it says that we should be independent. This is basically saying that everyone is their own person and be special.

  25. ayden

    Numberless are the world’s numbers, but none more wonderful

    I totally agree with this statement. Nobody is the same nobody should be treated harshly. Everybody should be treated equal.

  26. demoni

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” This quote means to me that every human being is unique in their own way. Everyone is different for a reason, if we were all the same it would be boring.

  27. Bryan

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    People each can do do different things, we would be nowhere without each peoples special characteristics. No one is the same ,but er all be equal and if we all just live in peace the world would be a better place.

  28. jordan

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I think you should be your self because if you act like some one that your friends don’t like that person then they wont like you. And you should also be your self because mabey people will like who you are.

  29. Isaiah

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    Everyone should have their own character and not just copy everyone character.
    It is never good to just copy people.

  30. Bradley

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    Every one is different but every one should be equal. You should make fun of someone because of who they are they didn’t chose to look like that so don’t make them feel bad.

  31. Caleb

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I believe this to be true but now everyone has their own character. A lot of people have a very similar character, They are a slave to the screen.

  32. jenna

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”. I think that this means that everyone should be act like their self’s not like other’s. Most people try to act like other’s but they should just act like their self’s. You should never act like someone to be friebnds with them be yourself.

  33. Richard

    “Numberless are the world’s numbers, but none more wonderful
    than human beings.” (Sophocles) This quote is symbolic by saying that every human has a purpose on this world. And not letting it go to waste.

  34. mb0149

    Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I chose this quote because it tells you to be yourself. If you don’t be yourself yoo won’t be different, but being different is good.

  35. Leo

    “Numberless are the world’s numbers, but none more wonderful than human beings.” (Sophocles)
    What I think about when I read this quote is that you should include more people. The reason I think that is because there’s always people that say that there’s always room for one more. So I think that this quote is trying to say that there’s never to many people in the world to include.

  36. Spencer

    “Numberless are the world’s numbers, but none more wonderful than human beings.” (Sophocles) To me this is saying that numbers can go on and on forever being just another number. To me this is saying people are more than just another person.

  37. Austin

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”When I’m out doing something I try my hardest until I get really good. When I’m out there I realize, I’m better and worst than other people.

  38. km2368

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)
    I chose thus quote because I think it is true that. I believe that every one needs to be there own self and it should be cool to be your self.

  39. Cole

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” I agree with this quote because everyone is their own self and everyone is different. You’re not the same as others you’re different.

  40. Wyatt

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    We have the choice in life to be what we want to do, act how we want to act and many other things. Nobody is like us and that what makes us unique.

  41. Brylie

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” I think this quote is trying to tell us that everyone should be themselves.No one should let any one else tell them what to do or say.

  42. Azul

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”
    Be yourself and be happy you can do things others can. Don’t let others control you, you don’t need to be like everyone else.

  43. Eddie

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I Choose this quote because everyone needs to have there own opinion and do what they want. Also because there is no one like you everyone has there own unique ability and skill that they like to do.

  44. Jayson

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)” I think this means that be yourself. If you don’t be yourself people might think your better when you act like yourself.

  45. Max

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”

    I choose this comment because I believe it is true. Everyone is there self and everyone is special in there own ways.

  46. Ryan

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)
    I think that this quote means that people should be themselves no matter what. Every person is different in some way.

  47. michael

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to be what no other is, and to do what no other can do”
    I think that this means that everybody should be themselves. I think this because you are you and only you can do amazing things not other people doing it for you.

  48. Brandon

    “America is strong because of its diversity. Our history tells us this
    is true. ‘E Pluribus Unum’ was a good motto in the early days of our country and it is a

    good motto today. From the many, one. It’s what makes us Americans.” (Barbara

    Jordan) I agree with this. I agree with this because if we all were the some we wouldn’t have nay strengths.

  49. trinity :)

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”
    I think this quote is trying to say each human being is an individual which mean that all of us have our own unique characteristics. This quote is saying that we can doing anything like being exactly the same people but only us can change our ways of being us the human race.

  50. brady

    “Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to
    be what no other is, and to do what no other can do” (William Channing)”I think this quote means that everyone everyone has their own style and thought.Also, I think this quote means that an original is better than a copy.

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