Connor Franta


Connor Franta is another “YouTuber” and has the 14th most subscribed to channel in all of YouTube. His channel features him talking to us viewers about his thoughts, opinions, challenges , and collaborations with other “YoTtubers” such as Caspar Lee, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Tanya Burr, Joey Graceffa, and Tyler Oakley. Some of these opinions include his perspective on “Adult Things” such as having to live by himself, which amazes him, as well as fright. And how he both hates having responsibilities as an adult to fulfill and enjoys them as well. He said in one of his videos it tends to get quite boring at his apartment due to no other human activity other than his own so I understand why he travels so much *laughs out loud* *gets weird looks from people* * is embarrassed* * gets over it.* He says with his line of work he finds himself having a choice about what he does with his free time. Either stay at home and not do anything, or make the most of his time and be social, which not most people who are as “Internet” as he is would enjoy. Connor describes himself as an ambivert, which is where you find yourself caught in-between an extrovert and an introvert for different reasons (everyone is different). He didn’t say that in his video because he didn’t remember the word at the time, but I understood what he was saying. Which I find to see that this is what most people tend to be just based on their actions and choice of words. Based on this, I can make the assumption that he enjoys the flexibility. Yet, his profession revolving around entertainment still keeps him quite “on his toes” trying to keep up with video trends yet still keeping to his own personal style of videos. As well as other events such as Vidcon and Playlist Live.

He also makes quite creative videos such as More Than Just Words , A Simple Question , and Play Close Attention.  In these videos he talks like  some of us may have some conversations in our own personal thoughts, but out loud. And I encourage you to check them out. You may not appreciate them as much as I do, but I hope you can find some meaning in them. and maybe even start to understand what he rants on about in his videos. I cannot express enough about how much I am glad people like him exist; trying to change the world with one video, one act of kindness, and one charitable act or opinion, no matter how small or large, at a time. That’s my post for this week. I want you to ask yourself, who inspires you? Who do you view yourself as? Who do you plan on viewing yourself as? The answers could be as simple as: I want to view my self as a helpful person in the future.  Or as honest as: I view myself as a person who has to learn and experience more to feel accomplished. I also want you to ask yourself: How do I start to get to where I want to be? How about make a plan, maybe set some goals that you want to achieve. They could be over the next few days, weeks, months or even years. Plans will change, as will opinions, and perspectives. You just have to adapt, if you go about with your life complaining about how you aren’t where you want to be. You need to act on it. Remember, we are only adding more details in our own individual coming of age story. You make it what you want it to be. Goodbye, for now.


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